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Initial Blockouts


Before jumping straight into my contribution towards blockouts, some background on where the group started is necessary. Ethan Pflugh and Zach Stetter built the initial blockouts from nothing to something, Zach creating the cave interior and Ethan creating the cave exterior. The initial renders of the blockouts are included below for reference.


The plan for the cave exterior scene is that it would be a small scene with close to medium shots. The tunnel curves to the left to help condense the scene and not leave too much information to be noticed past the entrance of the cave. The area of the entrance is meant to have less large vegetation while having an increased number of small vegetation like grass, bushes, ferns, and flowers. There are also some large boulders aligned with the entrance of the cave giving a sense of directionality guiding the character towards the cave.


The cave interior was designed to represent the scholarly dragon our character, Theodore, and the environment he has been living in. We thought a scholarly dragon would have a cave filled with books and objects of possible value. There are also chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the cave to help light up the environment outside of the sunlight seeping in through any cracks.











Jumping to the Current Status of the Blockouts and Lighting

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